Registration Information

Your Registration Badge Is Valuable—Please Don’t Lose It!

We are not responsible for the replacement of lost convention registration badges; we will not give you another badge if yours is lost or stolen. Please safeguard your badge! There are no refunds on registrations or special events.

Registration is open earlier than ever before at a World Convention. Although we will not have access to the full convention center until Thursday, beginning Tuesday before the convention, there will be two locations for on-site registration and registration pick up: at the Grand Hyatt (credit card only, no cash) and in Hall D of the Walter E Washington Convention Center, where both cash and credit cards are accepted. We cannot accept checks, money orders, or travelers checks.

The hours at the convention center, Hall D Level 2 are:

Tuesday 2:00 pm–-8:00 pm

Wednesday, 10:00 am–8:00 pm

Thursday–Saturday, 9:30 am–6:00 pm & 9:00 pm –11:00 pm

At the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Tiber Creek Room Declaration Level 1B 1000 H St NW:

Tuesday, 2:00–8:00 pm

Wednesday, 10:00 am–8:00 pm

Thursday, 9:30 am–6:00 pm

Friday, 9:30 am–6:00 pm

A QR code or confirmation number is required to pick up your registration package. The QR code will be in your confirmation email. Check-in kiosks will be available at registration to begin the check-in process. Both electronic and printed confirmation QR codes will be accepted.

Registration will be available onsite, but we do not offer one-day or discounted registrations.

Registration Packages will NOT be split up. We do NOT split registration packages. One person must pick up the entire registration package, including all guest registrations, merchandise, and special event tickets. The person who purchases the registration is the only one who will get an email confirmation. If you are purchasing registrations for other people, they will not receive any communication about the registration package. Be aware: If you forward your confirmation email to anyone, this will give them access to change or add to your pre-registration, and to pick up your entire registration package and pre-registration merchandise.

WCNA 38 accepts cash (no cash at the Hyatt location), American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. WCNA 38 does not accept check payments.

The WCNA 38 workgroup has committed an unprecedented number of newcomer registrations to those in treatment, in cooperation with local facilities. More than 1,200 newcomer badges were committed before the convention began.

Additional newcomer registration packages are available on a first–come, first–served basis for members with fewer than 30 days clean. We want to include as many new members as possible by providing newcomer registrations for those with 30 or fewer days clean. Our ability to provide newcomer packages is supported by the generosity of members who make newcomer contributions as a part of their registration. We are grateful for each of you who choose to give back in this way to share The Power of Love with our newest members.

If you’re able to contribute to newcomer registrations, you can do so when you register or by logging on now and adding a contribution.

Newcomer registration is currently scheduled for the following days and times only in Hall D, Level 2 of the convention center. Please recheck the schedule when you are on-site as these days and times may change:

Wednesday 11:00 am–1:00 pm, 4:00 pm –6:00 pm

Thursday & Friday 11:00 am–12:30 pm, 3:30 pm–5pm, 9:00 pm –10:30 pm

Saturday 11:00 am–12:30 pm, 3:30 pm–5:00 pm

We will offer complimentary kids’ badges for children aged 13 and under, accompanied by registered members. Children’s badges are available at the Convention Information booth. Please pick up your registration package, and then go to Convention Information to get a badge for your child. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the convention.

Everyone, including children, must have a registration badge to gain access to the convention center, and anyone, regardless of age, who occupies a seat in a special event, must have a ticket to enter.

Each parent must determine for themselves whether they consider the event to be child-friendly.

NAWS does not provide childcare or daycare services.

For many years, WCNA has been registration-required because of the expense and planning necessary to create an event this large. But the security requirements in Washington, DC add another dimension. The Convention Center requires that everyone be badged to have access to their facility.

There will be no special accommodations for non-member guests. Children 13 and under may receive a badge at no cost from registration; Nar-Anon member badges will be recognized by security. Without a badge from NA or Nar-Anon, no one, for any reason, will be admitted to the building.

Marathon meetings and other events that do not require registration will be held off-site. Please check the schedule for times and locations.

What Your WCNA Registration Pays For

WCNA costs a lot to produce—and more this year than ever before. The facilities required to hold us—the security required for a large event in a capital city— translations, ADA accommodations, equipment, and labor—the technology to make the meetings visible and available in the convention center and around the world—these costs will exceed revenue from registration. We count on merchandise sales to make up the remainder, and meeting our hotel room blocks helps defray some facilities expenses. The WCNA workgroup and more than 2,500 volunteers make this event possible. Each of us demonstrates the Power of Love in our actions and goodwill as we bring an event this big and complex into reality.

We are often asked why registration for WCNA costs more than area or regional conventions. One of the key differences is that WCNA requires the use of a major convention center and several hotels, while most area and regional events are held in a single hotel or hall. The costs at these facilities for set–up, service, and equipment; and the size and scope of our audiovisual, translations, and accessibility services are unlike even the largest local events.

The World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous is a unique celebration of recovery that truly belongs to our worldwide Fellowship.  As we write this, members from more than 58 countries and territories have registered. We always want to create an event that is welcoming to all and responsible with Fellowship funds. This year, costs are higher and our ability to cushion a loss is not what it was before the pandemic. The space we enjoy and the resources we use—from meeting rooms to historical displays, to equipment, services, and the halls we fill with hugs and laughter—all cost a lot of money.

Please understand that the cost of registration is priced as it is because the cost of putting on this convention is indeed high. Our primary purpose must always be to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. We cannot risk our ability to fulfill our purpose. We ask all our members with the means and recovery to enjoy this celebration to continue putting purpose first and continuing to be generous in support of Narcotics Anonymous here, in your home groups and your local communities.

In a spirit of cooperation rather than affiliation, WCNA 38 provides space for Nar–Anon to hold its world convention meetings and activities throughout the weekend. Nar-Anon is in the convention center at the same time as we are and has a separate registration in the Convention Center at 101and 102 AB. The Nar-Anon registration provides access to the building and to meetings, but a WCNA registration badge is required for access to any WCNA 38 events or activities.

Link to Nar-Anon World Convention page